Knowledge Bank

Re-defining Protocol – Time Related Disputes

Re-defining Protocol – Time Related Disputes

Knowledge Bank ~ Re-defining Protocol – Time Related Disputes If you have been involved in any form of construction dispute, you will be aware of the Delay and Disruption Protocol. Born in 2002 by the Society of Construction Law, it has...

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Concurrent Delay – Logic not Voodoo

Concurrent Delay – Logic not Voodoo

Knowledge Bank ~ Concurrent Delay – Logic not Voodoo My instinct tells me it is time we revisited the black art of concurrent delay. Whilst I believe common sense can prevail in understanding the concept – it is easy to appreciate why the...

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Penalty Clauses – Reality over Hyperbole

Penalty Clauses – Reality over Hyperbole

Knowledge Bank ~ Penalty Clauses – Reality over Hyperbole After the UK Supreme Court reviewed the penalty clause doctrine last year – the first time in over a century – there has been a glut of excited commentary from the legal...

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How to turn around an out-of-control project?

How to turn around an out-of-control project?

Knowledge Bank ~ How to turn around an out-of-control project? Whilst Asgard prefers to help set projects up for success from the start, we are periodically called upon to help turn around projects that have gone off the rails. In these...

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Understanding Entitlement to Time and Costs

Understanding Entitlement to Time and Costs

Knowledge Bank ~ Understanding Entitlement to Time and Costs I have previously discussed why record keeping is critical, as well as managing variations, to help keep projects profitable and disputes at bay. Closely linked to these...

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Records – Protecting Your Project

Records – Protecting Your Project

Knowledge Bank ~ Records – Protecting Your Project With data at the touch of our fingertips, and quantum leaps forward in construction software, it’s easy to understand why record keeping is often overlooked. However the issue of...

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Why measuring your project’s mile is important

Why measuring your project’s mile is important

Knowledge Bank ~ Why measuring your project’s mile is important Productivity is a hotly debated subject – during initial contract drafting, project management meetings and updates between clients and employers. This is unsurprising...

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Expert Witness – Fit for Purpose?

Expert Witness – Fit for Purpose?

Knowledge Bank ~ Expert Witness – Fit for Purpose? Nobody likes disputes but they are a fact of life in our business. Resolving them quickly and fairly is key to stopping the cost of them spiraling upwards. Whilst many contractors...

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Delay Analysis – Prevention is better than Cure

Delay Analysis – Prevention is better than Cure

Knowledge Bank ~ Delay Analysis – Prevention is better than Cure Although this is a very familiar topic for many, the practical uses and application of delay analysis have been shrouded by the overly complicated technical debate on...

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Case Study –  Semi-submersible Drilling Rigs

Case Study – Semi-submersible Drilling Rigs

Knowledge Bank ~ Case Study – Semi-submersible Drilling Rigs The upstream oil and gas sector is hugely capital intensive, operating with extremely large and complicated equipment. The running costs of such facilities are high, and therefore...

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Case Study – Civil Engineering Project Dispute

Case Study – Civil Engineering Project Dispute

Knowledge Bank ~ Case Study – Civil Engineering Project Dispute By their nature, infrastructure projects are usually contractually and commercially sensitive, as well as capital and time sensitive. Therefore efficiencies are key,...

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BIM – Fully embrace it with your eyes wide open

BIM – Fully embrace it with your eyes wide open

Knowledge Bank ~ BIM – Fully embrace it with your eyes wide open An acronym I am sure you have heard often – whether you have paid fleeting attention to it or are fully immersed. Either way, it is impossible to deny that the full...

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Concurrent Delay – Confusion & Frustration

Concurrent Delay – Confusion & Frustration

Knowledge Bank ~ Concurrent Delay – Confusion & Frustration Many pages of debate and dollars of legal advice have been spent on identifying liability arising from potentially concurrent delays. A number of high profile cases over...

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Singapore 079903

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Tel: +852 8191 7235
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22/F, 3 Lockhart Road
Hong Kong